Ejemplos de uso de you shouldn
1. Our position, and the position of our EU 3 is that you shouldnt -- if thats the case, you shouldnt have the means to develop a nuclear weapon.
2. PM: No, you shouldnt ... There are two ways of looking at that.
3. Q:В Right, but you can do both, presumably, right?В Or should you do both?В I mean, the Congress says theyre getting started on an investigation.В Youre saying that you shouldnt be doing that now?
4. MCCORMACK:В Well, we shouldnt -- you shouldnt be writing this kind of report based on -- based on assertions by individuals without having ever been there.В The ICRC, the International Committee of the Red Cross, has the ability to access prisoners 24 hours a day.В That is common international practice.
5. I suppose it made me careful in that respect, but theres no way that you can ... When you dramatise contentious recent history, somebody is going to be offended, somebody is going to say that you shouldnt have done it or that you have skewed it in one particular direction.